On the path to social sustainability: enhancing productivity and well-being through structured time management
Productivity, Sustainability, Employee Well-being, Time Management, Organizational BehaviorResumo
Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of specific interventions designed to improve the productivity and well-being of employees by reorganizing their work routines and meeting structures, using the case of Aker Solutions company.
Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework is based on the principles of Cal Newport's "Deep Work", David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD), and Eisenhower's Decision Matrix, providing a structured approach to enhancing productivity through focused work and effective time management.
Methodology/Approach: The methodology involves a quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-intervention measures applied in the company Aker Solutions. Data were collected through performance indicators and surveys with employees to assess changes in productivity, stress levels, and job satisfaction.
Findings: The results indicate a significant improvement in productivity indicators and a reduction in stress and fatigue among employees after the interventions. Engagement levels positively correlated with the success of the implemented time management strategies.
Research, practical & social implications: This study emphasizes the importance of structured time management and task prioritization in enhancing employee performance and well-being, suggesting that these strategies can be applied across various organizational contexts. Additionally, aligning effective time management practices with the social sustainability principles of ESG can foster a healthier and more equitable work environment, promoting a balanced work-life equilibrium.
Originality/ Value: The significance of this study lies in its application of productivity theories within a genuine corporate environment, providing tangible evidence of their efficacy. It enriches existing literature by demonstrating how these practices can be tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations and employees, while also highlighting the importance of policies that foster a fair and sustainable work environment, reinforcing a commitment to social responsibility and ethical governance.
Keywords: Productivity; Sustainability; Employee Well-being; Time Management; Organizational Behavior.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gabrielle Assis da Rosa, Jessyca Lopes de Carvalho Picinatto, Nathalia Cristina Furlan Rodrigues, Guilherme Augusto Queiroz Schünemann Manfrin de Oliveira

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