Cost study for a small paper napkin company using absorbing Markov chains


  • Silvana Ligia Vincenzi Bortolotti
  • Rosely Antunes de Souza
  • Vanina Macowski Durski Silva
  • Antonio Sergio Coelho



For companies to remain competitive in their markets, efficient cost management becomes indispensable. This article is a product cost analysis and study for a micro company using absorbing Markov chains. The data were summarized using a productive system scheme that considers aspects such as production, inspection, shipping and waste. Product cost analysis in this productive system is conducted from the determination and estimation of all costs involved in the production, inspection and shipping phases. The production capacity probabilities were determined for each subsystem. The subsystems are modeled by status diagrams, which graphically represent system component statuses and the transitions between these statuses. By employing absorbing Markov chains, it was possible to ascertain its effective contribution towards decision making in cost management processes. Keywords: Absorbing Markov Chains; Transition Matrixes; Costs



How to Cite

Bortolotti, S. L. V., Souza, R. A. de, Silva, V. M. D., & Coelho, A. S. (2007). Cost study for a small paper napkin company using absorbing Markov chains. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (4), Pag. 89.


