Proposta de utilização do quality function deployment (QFD) no sistema de análise de pontos críticos de controle (APPCC) na produção de refeições


  • Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva
  • Teresa Cristina Campos Gonçalves



The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system has been utilized in Brazil since the 70s in food industries and catering services. This tool replaced the inspection of the final product, by identifying and controlling the steps of the production process of safe food. This paper proposes the use of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (APPCC) system, by means of a conceptual model. The QFD methodology provided subsidies for the identification of the potential contamination hazards in the generic process of production of meals. From the obtained results, the phases for the production of meals, which demand a major attention from the workers, can be verified. The results of the prioritized items in the array could be used as a support in the selection and training process. Keywords: Food security; HACCP system; Quality function deployment.



How to Cite

Silva, C. E. S. da, & Gonçalves, T. C. C. (2006). Proposta de utilização do quality function deployment (QFD) no sistema de análise de pontos críticos de controle (APPCC) na produção de refeições. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (2), Pag. 113.


